Why Startups Fail – Mint vs. Wesabe

In an old blog entry (that I just found), one of the founders of Wesabe thinks back to why his company lost to Mint.com and shut down. For those who don’t remember, Mint was high-flying personal finance site that was sold to Intuit in 2009 for about $170 million.

Wesabe and Mint
Wesabe and Mint went head-to-head. Mint won. Here's why.

Marc Hedlund writes an honest article about his take on why Wesabe eventually shut down.  First, he knocks out four myths, including that Mint launched first, had a better name and design and went viral.

Then, Hedlund discusses what he saw were the drivers behind the success of one and the failure of another.  At the end of the day, it comes down to familiar themes recognized by those of us who work with businesses, particularly startups.

“I think in this case, Mint totally won at the first (making users happy quickly), and we both totally failed at the second (actually helping people).”

Mint gave people what they wanted and made it easy.  Wesabe wanted to help people change their financial behavior, which is a value judgment with which the consumer himself/herself may disagree.

Hedlund notes that some of the things founders obsess over are really not important:

“You’ll hear a lot about why company A won and company B lost in any market, and in my experience, a lot of the theories thrown about – even or especially by the participants – are utter crap. A domain name doesn’t win you a market; launching second or fifth or tenth doesn’t lose you a market. You can’t blame your competitors or your board or the lack of or excess of investment.”

He does get to the crux of the issue about how to succeed:

“Focus on what really matters: making users happy with your product as quickly as you can, and helping them as much as you can after that.  If you do those better than anyone else out there you’ll win.”

That’s it.  Give people what they want to meet their needs and solve their problems.

Hedlund still believes that there are problems to be solved.  However, imposing your judgment on people’s behavior will not have the same success as meeting people’s needs and desires.

“So, yeah. Changing people’s behavior is really hard. No one in this market succeeded at doing so – there is no Google nor Amazon of personal finance. Can you succeed where we failed? Please do – the problems are absolutely huge and the help consumers have is absolutely abysmal. Learn from the above and go help people (after making them immediately happy, first).”